Villa Natura Spa Club
We provide our Seniors a world of healthy spa treatments... to stimulate circulation, keep their range of motion, gain emotional and physical well-being. Our primary focus is to encourage residents to forget about getting old... we center their attention on energetic growth, healthier, longer and more joyful lives through the best body SpaClub routines anywhere.
At award-winning Villa Natura SpaClub, you can relax, revitalize and savor a setting of tranquility, beauty and joy. From luxurious facials, massages and our exclusive Thalasso pool of sea-water... to thermal environments and fitness services to fortify your body. Classes and consultations with wellness professionals, extraordinary services and the warm personal attention for which we are renowned.
The benefits of massage for the elderly are equally as important as those for athletes— "it stimulates circulation, releases endorphins and keeps their range of motion intact" as stated by the Geriatric Massage Institute, based in Indianapolis. Benefits of massage for our Seniors, with or without illness, oscillates from the physical to the psychological fields, since they receive tremendous benefits from healing touch... increased blood flow, stress reduction and a sense of comfort.
The key to providing such benefits, however, lies in being aware of how bodywork treatments need to be modified for the safety and well-being of our Seniors. Of course they all need to be medically cleared before receiving services—there are some conditions that may be contraindicated for certain body treatments. Our clients are often more frail and need to be massaged in a gentle way so as to avoid injury... if someone has arthritis, the therapist might want to focus gently on muscles and try to reduce tightness of the ligaments. Most of our conversations before a treatment pertains to determining whether there is a diabetic condition, heart issues and whether we need to avoid certain areas. With some conditions, like bone injuries or cancer, the Spa requires a doctor's note before the client can undergo a massage.
Our staff collects as much information as possible on its intake form. If we don't know exactly what a client's health issues are, we need to verify not only what is bothering that person on that day, but what continuing condition they might have. This is where intake and observance from our therapist's become crucial. Whether the client is in a wheelchair, has a walker, is vision- or hearing-impaired or even needs help dressing or undressing—we understand that the more we know about the client beforehand, the better services we can provide. Some elderly clients are extremely health-conscious and take superb care of their bodies, these clients may be able to receive massage treatment similar to those given to healthy 55 year-olds. But at the end of the day, our therapists understand the limitations and wellness goals unique to our Seniors, this is why therapist education is an ongoing effort. We are not a 'one-size-fits-all' type of spa... "We treat our Seniors as individuals and we work around their needs."
A recent study published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that older people who are happy actually live longer, they even have a 35% lower risk of dying, than unhappy Seniors. The report is part of the longest-running study on aging, which means the information is credible. Therefore, the question becomes … what makes older people happy?. According to the study, emotional and physical well-being are two important keys to happiness for older people, and ultimately, their longevity. With this in mind, spa treatments that cater to the physical and emotional needs of elderly, can actually keep Seniors young!. This is good news for our Seniors looking for ways to remain youthful.
Some of Villa Natura SpaClub specialized services include:
- Senior Massage: Senior massage is one of the most crucial times to have massage, since it helps with circulation, energy, touch therapy and body rejuvenation and immune system boosts. We recommend the Natura massage service, as that it offers deep massage in the high stress area of the neck, shoulders and back. It has steamed towels applied and aromatherapy. It also has stretching of the arms, legs and acupressure points up and down the spine for an immune boost and points for detoxing the organs. We recommend twice weekly to no longer than every 6 weeks for a health program.
- Reiki Energy Service: The human energy is very powerful to our physical and emotional health. When someone needs energy or is feeling very lethargic, possibly just tired and worn out… we recommend our Reiki service. It is performed by credentialed caregivers and consists of a placement of hands on and above the body where the caregivers use their intention and concentration to direct their energy and to infuse that strength into the spot of pain to help move intrinsic vigor. Giving the receiver a human boost of energy!
- Senior Facials: We recommend a facial using our all natural African imported Shea Nut Butter to help strengthen the skin and hydrate to lessen the signs of aging. Our amazing pumpkin peel facials also are a natural way to turn back the years and keep fine lines and wrinkles at a minimum. You should have facials regularly. We recommend twice monthly and no longer than ever 6 weeks for beautiful healthy skin. To our Senior ladies we recommend adding services to the hands, neck and chest areas where sun damage is most relevant.
- Manicures/Pedicures: It's wonderful to have your nail services in home. You get an entire hour all to yourself and don't have to share your technician's time... additionally you enjoy more massage with your services. You can find our various manicures and pedicures on our Villa Natura services menu.
- Teeth Whitening: The one-hour process is very effective for teeth that have been stained by smoking or by substances like coffee or tea. It also whitens teeth discolored by medicine such as tetracycline or speckled fluoride. For clients with teeth darker in stains,schedule an additional appointment within 24 hours to complete the fourth cycle to obtain the most desired results. Alternatively, for our Seniors with dark stains or those who want to reduce the time of each cycle, we recommend you to split the whitening process into two treatments. The First Day we will perform two 20-minute teeth whitening cycles... the second day we will complete the procedure by performing another two 20-minute cycle. Natural teeth only.
- Lifestyle Services: We have complete packages for our Seniors in mind. To scheduled manicures, pedicures, hair, waxing and facials… let our office help build the best package for you. You will never have to go without your services and they are so convenient in your own location.
The Villa Natura SpaClub is the perfect lifestyle !!
Pricing to be determined based on services scheduled.
Villa Natura Technology
Communications is our priority. Big monitors, cameras, desktops and tablets programmed by our Tech team which teach our Seniors to use apps and computers... we even help them to create messages, send e-mails and pictures, and schedule video conferences so they can keep in touch with their love ones any time they want... we create an arcade of fun !!!
Finally... software, programs, applications and equipment to share information, ideas and stay connected with family, friends, care providers and physicians. We are the Retirement Community with most advance technology, resources and educational programs for the benefit of our Seniors.
"I have seen and talked to my father more now, than in any given time in the past"... this is the experience of families and friends that truly enjoy all the technology and resources available for our Seniors at Villa Natura. Because we don't just provide hardware for them... we program advance applications, we teach our Seniors on how to operate the equipment and the use of different programs, we keep them updated with the latest technology... we even help them to create messages, send e-mails and pictures, and schedule video conferences so they can keep in touch with their love ones any time they want.
In today's world, people of all ages are using the internet, cell phones, endless applications, videos and other technologies to communicate in new and exciting ways. In a matter of seconds you can send a message to your son, receive a photo from your granddaughter or email an invitation to a family gathering. While younger people are typically the "experts" on these new resources, our Seniors also utilize the tools provided through internet, social media and wireless devices to communicate and receive information. These tools are an effective way to connect with family, friends and community resources. At Villa Natura, we offer classes and all kind of resources to help you get started with these new tools, or learn more advance procedures.
Facebook, skype, blogs, u-tube, instant messaging, tweeter, are just some of the tools our Seniors practice and talk with their teachers and classmates all the time.
There are some issues with memory loss, when the person can't recall how to perform a task and they need a reminder, or someone to walk them through the process each time. We have staff dedicated to write up numbered instructions for all kind of tasks, or guide our Seniors to perform different tasks, even to help them checking e-mails.
Sometimes the problem is when they click on something on the desktop that they shouldn't, and then enter some other window, they have no idea how to get back to mail. Or if they have a difficult time remembering instructions and tasks. Too much information, whether visual or verbal, confuses them even more. In addition, sometimes their eyesight is not great, nor is their touch sensitivity. This is the reason we provide bare-bones laptops, tablets and notebooks that would allow them a friendly usage, to send/receive and look up information online with minimum aggravations.
We believe that 'Automation' is the key... rather than writing lists of instructions for our Seniors, we use simple automation software to record and save a series of actions and create a macro button we put on their desktop, or assign to a hot key. There are plenty of options, but we have implemented open source AutoHotKey or the more advance AutoIt software. There are different kind of alternatives for those with short-term memory like SlickRun, which uses "magic words"... eg. you can just type MAIL to run your email program of choice.
Eldy, SimplicITy and Splashtop are software programs designed specially for the elderly. Eldy software for example, provides a greatly simplified, alternative desktop designed for older people who are unfamiliar with PCs. It was developed in Italy, and runs different laptops, some tablets and TV sets. SimplicITy service started with a variant of this software, though it now uses Envelope, which looks more friendly to use, we have notice great improvements in our Seniors using these applications. There are several email options, such as PawPaw, which was set up for grandparents.
To learn more about basic rules and resources employed in our community, check the following:
1. Tips about privacy and safety:
Never respond to text messages from ? someone you do not know. You may also receive SPAM via text message. Delete these messages. Never text while driving. ? Be cautious about sending your personal? information via text messages.
To access your email account you will need to create a password. Be sure to change your password often. Remember to write it down and keep it in a safe place. Do not share your password. ? Log out of your email account when you are done.
Only open attachments or click on links from people you know. Do not open or reply to SPAM. ? Do not email your Social Security number, bank account number or other private information. Make sure your computer software and ? updates are current. Find additional email safety tips at and
2. Instant Messaging (IM)
Is a form of real- time, text-based communication that enables you to chat with another computer user. Both people must be on a computer at the same time to use IM. Many email providers have IM/chat features, such as: WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, Skype, Facebook Messenger, Google Chat+Gmail (formerly Hangouts). Yahoo Chat and AIM have both been discontinued since 2017.
3. Facebook
Is a social networking service and website with hundreds of millions of active users worldwide. On Facebook you can create a personal profile page to connect with family members, add other users as "friends" and exchange messages. Additionally, you can join common interest groups organized by various characteristics.
How: To create a profile page you must have an email address. Sign-on to and fill in your information to create the page. You then have the option to add photos and additional information about yourself.
4. Blogs and Vlogs
Stands for "web logs" and "video logs" often used like a public diary, a blog is a website or part of a website. Both are usually maintained by an individual and offer the opportunity for followers to comment. Various websites offer free, easy-to-use blogs, such as:,,
5. YouTube
Is a video-sharing website where you can view, upload and share videos. YouTube enables you to upload videos and share them with friends and other users.
6. Twitter
Is a social networking website that enables you to post short, up-to-the-minute updates (known as Tweets) and follow others' Tweets, which are text posts of 140 characters or less. Tweets are publicly visible.
Tablets and Chromebooks, are one of our main sources because they are fairly simple to use, hard to mess up, and relatively easy to move around. Using Windows in our desktops we can access friendly-user softwares for emails such as Windows Live Mail or OperaMail, which can upload and download all email automatically. Sometimes simpler email program such as EasyEmail which has a lockable sidebar for Seniors, is a better option.
At Villa Natura, latest technology is our priority... if you are looking for hours of entertainments, keep an active memory, sharpening learning capabilities and time well invested... we have answers for you.
Mind Body Spirit
Our Programs provide optimal results for our Seniors, based on three components: Mind-Body Health, Nutrition-Exercise and Spirited Synergy Balance. Our Seniors are invited to participate in the programs, because the foods we eat, the physical activities we do, the inner spirit we seek and the emotions we feel... are all interconnected.
Mind-Body Health
At Villa Natura's Mind - Body programs , we have the ability to change negative attitudes and feelings into positive, rational, motivating thoughts. We encourage our Seniors to focus on a different constructive perspective in life. This is so important because it can greatly boost their chances of achieving what they want for their futures, including a more active and healthier lifestyle. The Mind - Body programs at Villa Natura was designed to add joy, purpose and meaning to the lives of our Seniors. Our main goal to life improvement means offering retirement activities and projects that reflect their talents, interests and personalities in each of our Continuing Care Retirement Communities, while also offering new experiences and ways of entertainment that will challenge them and keep them mentally healthy.Our Director of Mind and Body Program plans a variety of exciting and educational events throughout the year, ranging from mentally healthy events to Independence Day cookout or Thanksgiving feasts. The goal is to keep our Seniors socially involved and provide their friends and families the opportunity to learn and celebrate with them.
The main focus of our staff is to program activities that are fun for the elderly, while also promoting mentally health challenges. Our activities incorporate all the basic components to maintain an active brain, tests to improve a sharp thinking, including social, spiritual, physical and intellectual aspects of mental well-being. The result is a wide variety of stimulating programs for our Seniors, which include the Explorers Club, the Challenging Games Team, the Dance Group, as well as Thalasso, Tai Chi, Yoga, training to become a guest speaker and visits to cultural events, just to name a few.
Keeping busy is not merely a matter of movement, our programs have been developed to maintain stimulation. Activities for our Seniors can also be geared toward those who have physical and/or mental limitations. Some programs for the elderly with activities that cater to such limits include:
- Music – Encourage a senior to play piano, sing or join a choir
- Art – For any skill level, drawing, watercolors and oil painting are great for mental stimulation and fine motor skills
- Storytelling – Libraries and schools are always looking for storytellers for children's groups
- We encourage them to get involved in some type of social interaction
- We teach them how to play video games.
- Create a memoir, a memory book, or a family legacy.
- Continue or take up a new hobby.
Exercise Programs
There is nothing extreme about the Villa Natura's fitness programs, except that they are extremely healthy. Our routines and exercises has been found to not only promote flexible articulations and toned muscles but also prevent and control many of the world's leading killers, including diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.For optimal health and well-being, the Villa Natura Exercise and Nutrition Programs teaches our Seniors a comprehensive approach involving three different facets: Cardiovascular Conditioning, Strength Training and Flexibility.
The most rewarding complement from our Seniors at the end of some of the activities, is when they exclaim with a wide smile filled with satisfaction and pride... 'I feel soooo good !!' A great contributor to this "feel good" spirit of so many of our Seniors is the Villa Natura continuous education programs. Certainly, exercise is good for everybody for numerous medical reasons, such as diabetes and hypertension control and protecting against heart disease, but regular exercise also does wonders for their emotional health, staving off depression and anxiety, reducing stress, and helping them feel their best each and every day. For optimal health and well-being, the Villa Natura Exercise and Nutrition Programs is focus on three different facets:
- Cardiovascular Conditioning,
- Muscular Strength Training, and
- Flexibility (Stretching)
- Cardiovascular exercise through aerobic routines keeps not only their hearts but also their bodies fit. Types of aerobic exercise include walking, rowing, aerobic dancing, jogging, stair climbing, swimming, and bicycling - anything, in short, that revs ups their heart rate, moving large muscles in a continuous rhythmic manner, for 30 minutes of cardiovascular conditioning, at 70 to 80% of maximum predicted heart rate, also known as Target Heart Rate Zone.
- The benefits of Muscular Strength Training are so valuable... and include a flexible body, stronger bones, more power, and better coordination. As we get older, muscle tends to be replaced by fat. "But flab is not inevitable," one great benefit of muscular strength training is that it burns fat and build more muscular mass.
Villa Natura routines and exercises for muscular strength training are simple and practical. With just a couple 20-minute sessions per week, our Seniors achieve a full body workout based in 5 different exercises. Our Seniors use any type of resistance mechanism such as free weights, elastic bands, or weight machines, as long as they feel comfortable with it. To give their muscles enough time to rest and recover between strength training workouts, classes are not programmed on consecutive days, for example, on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. We allow at least 48 hours between sessions and we recommend to stretch either before of muscular strength training or between exercises, or both. - Stretching is so important to develop flexibility in muscles and articulations. When our Seniors start with knees ache problems, or they can't bend down to pick up a spoon, or even worst when they can't get up!, back muscles twinge, the whole body sighs, regular stretching, or flexibility exercises can help take the 'age' out of aging and the pain related to muscle tightness. Regular stretching can also improve your mobility and range of motion, enhancing life in all sorts of ways, from a better sweemer to just being able to turn your head better. A more flexible body also greatly decreases the chances of injury from daily activities.
Nutrition Programs
Our skilled and knowledgeable Chefs prepare three healthy, flavorful meals a day. They also work closely with our registered dieticians to accommodate our Seniors with a variety of dietary modifications, from low sugar to no salt-added diets. All meals are served in our restaurant-style by our helpful waiters. Some of the features include:- A variety of side dish choices, beverages, salads, fruit plates and sandwiches made to order – served at both lunch and dinner
- Daily menu reflecting the taste and style of the geographic region
- Festive special occasion dinners served throughout the year
Our professional Chefs develop programs designed to enhance the food preparation and presentation skills in our restaurants. The dining and culinary arts team at our Senior living facilities integrates hands-on training and classroom instructional materials that impart new food preparation skills and cutting edge techniques to enhance dining experiences.
Our Chefs are masters at creating traditional meals as well as a selection of fresh, flavorful dishes that use low-sodium, heart-healthy cooking techniques. We use only the freshest meat, seafood, produce, herbs and spices.
Our Seniors satisfaction is the number one priority in our restaurants. We ask for some feedback from our Seniors regularly and use that information to make improvements and additions to our menus. If there is a favorite recipe, our Chefs will gladly prepare that dish for everybody to enjoy during mealtime.
At Villa Natura, mealtime is the favorite part of the day for our Seniors !!
Spirited Synergy Balance
Getting into nature and breaking from the usual story-lines of our lives helps us to tap into our own deeper consciousness. Inner Guidance is one of our programs at Villa Natura with optimal effect in our Seniors. More than intuition, it's the ability to try to understand others without speaking... to know some of their reactions and accept what they do, to feel what is best for others in the community and for you at all times. Perhaps most importantly, make an effort to be at the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing, in every moment.We encorage or Seniors to ask themselves these questions; What would possibly happen if I make the effort? What would my life be like if I start today? What would I do, if I had the highest wisdom available to myself at all times? ...our Seniors involved in this kind of experiences and trainings have reported 80% improvement on their daily lives, they create more love and ease in relationships, more abundance, health, even enjoy spiritual guidance. Life just gets easier. They get more energy and health at the highest level by learning how to follow their inner guidance. With this new approach to the intuitive decision making process, it is possible to feel more vivacious, a spirited energy, with real sense of happiness at all times.
Recent studies have proven that boredom and depression can have a very real effect on physical, emotional and mental health. This doesn't just apply to teens or thirty-somethings. Actually, for seniors, boredom and depression can be lethal. Our residents under rehab are often advised on methods to alleviate their own depression after long periods of healing, but what about the elderly ?. Are their needs being met?
Age-related declines in memory and cognition are often blamed on physical illnesses and disease processes, but did you know that depression is also a major cause of such declines? Depression is a treatable illness. Social isolation and loneliness are risk factors for depression particularly if there is no support of any kind of spiritual conduct. Sure, we all slow down as we grow older, but we need to keep our elders engaged in activities that help them maintain an active mind and keep them engaged and interested in the emotional state of an spiritual life. The New England Journal released results of a five-year study that found seniors who regularly joined in spiritually stimulating activities, enjoyed a reduced risk of depression and even dementia.
We are in continuous search to find new ways to help prevent such rise in depression or physical decline caused by spiritual indifference. It's not always easy to find just the right path that might help pull a lonely, sad or frustrated Senior out of this condition, but we take this as our responsibility.
With aging, continuing to do the things that you have always enjoyed doing may seem difficult to achieve. But it doesn't have to be this way, in fact, defining the life you want to live based on spiritual accomplishments, setting goals and priorities, and building a plan will allow you to experience and enjoy daily activities and lead to a balanced, happy life. To help our Seniors to enrich and balance a spiritual life, Villa Natura supports the Natural Life philosophy. We believe all individuals regardless of age or physical conditions can and should live life to the fullest. We support our residents in achieving their Natural Life by supporting their well-being across six key conceptions: Purposeful, Emotional, Physical, Social, Spiritual and Intellectual. Villa Natura creates evidence-based programs designed to provide you with opportunities in each of these dimensions.
Through listening and understanding our Seniors interests, needs, and desires we partner to provide opportunities for exercise, volunteerism, giving back, life-long learning, connecting through technology, well-being management, spiritual engagement, and much more.
Villa Natura is committed to support the well-being of every resident we serve.
Resort Style
Imagine a Care Retirement Community in paradise... beaches of golden sand, blue crystal waters, surrounded by green mountains. Imagine a Resort Facility with swimming pools, water falls and unlimited activities for the elderly... and if you don't want to do anything, just relax in the pool and get a nice tan under the sun... we enjoy a year-around Spring Weather !!
We provide the highest quality of living for our Seniors in a resort atmosphere while keeping our residents involved in a number of activities and health programs with the goal in mind they can be out of nursing homes.
Welcome to a place you'll truly love to call home. We offer assisted living and skilled nursing services in exclusive private apartment suites for the adult community in a manner consistent with their home life.
At Villa Natura we go beyond the health and well being of our Seniors. Our professional and experienced staff are always available to provide a helping hand with bathing, dressing and personal grooming. With the tasks of daily living attended by our staff, our residents are free to enjoy the company of friends and family while participating in our enrichment programs.
Villa Natura is a philosophy and set of principles with the goal in mind to remake the experience of aging and disability. The core concept of the programs at Villa Natura is simple: we prove that independent and assisted living environments are not facilities for the frail and elderly, but literally oasis to improve wellness, keep a progressive mind, surrounded by activities and comfort. In doing so, we apply what Nature has taught us about the benefits of spirited, energetic and vigorous habitats.
Everything we do has been designed to battle the usual three setbacks often experienced by many elders; loneliness, helplessness, and boredom. Villa Natura has created a "humanitarian habitat" within a facility that includes resident animals, the infusion of children into residents' lives, an abundance of plants and gardens, a functional management style and most importantly, the participation of dynamic and experienced staff.
Our personnel realizes that each resident's needs and preferences are personal and unique. Likewise, the programs of assistance and enrichment are individualized for each one of our Seniors. This individual choice is at the heart of the "Villa Natura Philosophy". Love is where it all starts. Villa Natura combines a caring environment with fun, excitement and bonding. But our first concern is for your personal care and well-being. We are here not only to meet your physical needs, but to help you enjoy life to the fullest.
The beautiful suites at Villa Natura Resort, offer so many amenities, but at the same time provides a lovely home in each apartment. The ambiance is evocative of an upscale retreat or spa, with gourmet meals, a full exercise and aerobics center, comfortable furniture, thriving gardens, pools and waterfalls, jacuzzi, outdoor activities, mini-golf, fitness center, yoga and meditation center. Featuring decorations that reflect the area, our guestrooms surround you with relaxation. With earth-toned wall coverings, warm lighting and furnishings dressed in local fabrics, you will feel like you are one with the surroundings.
At Villa Natura we have designed programs with a full range of activities to help improve your complete wellness. Ranging from steam baths, jacuzzi, acquarobics, thalasso... to massages, meditation, aromatherapy and Yoga. These activities will fill your days with joy and excitement. Your meals are prepared on site and are included with the price of the stay. There are several types of accommodations to meet your family needs when they want to spend a few days with you, ranging from one person to family size units.
Villa Natura's programs and services are specifically designed to compliment one another for your maximum benefit during your stay. These five areas include:
- A licensed Physician supervises each resident's care and therapy. Nursing care and highest levels of assistance staff each floor.
- Healthy meals and beverages specially tailored by doctors and nutritionists to fit your individual dietary needs.
- Spa Treatments. With massages, body treatments, reflexology, digito-puncture, and aromatherapy. All designed to enhance range of motion, stimulate circulation and boosts your immune system.
- Counseling. With motivational lectures, basic psychotherapy, spiritual aid, meditation and interactive dialogues and activities.
- Exercise and aerobic routines, including gym programs with specialized trainers, yoga, dancing, mini-golf, ping-pong, beach walking, pool activities and more!
In Ixtapa and Zihua's bay are the world famous La Madera, Principal and El Palmar beaches. Ixtapa has 18 beaches and bays and the Ixtapa Island, with the most beautiful surroundings you will ever see.
At Villa Natura, we pamper our Seniors with warmth, comfort, love, and when wanted... a hug. Villa Natura provides meals, in-house recreational and social activities, housekeeping, linen service, apartment maintenance and utilities are all included in a base fee. We provide round-the-clock nursing care and highest levels of assistance outside of a hospital, aid with daily life activities to meet physical, social and psychological needs. Villa Natura's Care Staff will provide medication assistance and supervision. Planned activities are plentiful, fun and entertaining.
Additional services are available to our Seniors who require special care. Each resident will receive an assessment on the individual care needed to make their stay at Villa Natura enjoyable. The base fee, which is usually sufficient, includes a variety of services. However, some Seniors may require a higher level of care that goes beyond the base fee.
At Villa Natura, we also understand family values and how important it is for couples to stay together. To help you keep your special bond, we offer independent apartments and specially discounted Companion Rates are available.
International Presence
Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo is used as background for many international big screen movies and national television programs; it's not unusual to see a major movie star working or vacationing in our area.One of the luxurious hotels located in Zihuatanejo's bay can be seen in the motion picture "When a Man Loves a Woman" (Touchstone Pictures, 1994) starring Meg Ryan and Andy Garcia.
Another classic movie introducing Zihuatanejo is "The Shawshank Redemption" (Columbia Pictures, 1994) starring Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. This movie motivated so many tourist to come and visit Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo for the very first time. "Red's" (Morgan Freeman) famous phrase "Zih... What?" is still fresh in the mind of the people that had fallen in love with our place.
"I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope I could be in Zihua..." -- Red.
Nightlife in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo can be active, relaxing or very romantic. Villa Natura at Ixtapa Palace Resort offers a large variety of tours and entertainment in and nearby Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo. Most tours provide round trip transportation from Villa Natura, experienced bilingual guides, and a super fantastic time!